timmy's blog

Thursday, March 18, 2010

We went to the mountain yesterday. Ther was snow everywhere. It was perfect for snow balls, and if you sled on the same spot a few times , it becomes good paked sledding snow. I finelle got an Oma blankit of my own. The colers are awesome and i love it. If you are reading this, THANK YOU OMA! I'm so exsided cuz Aaron is coming soon! I don't have much els tosay cuz my life is so boring , so good-bye!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

On Saturday, Kelli and John took me to sonic, golf n stuff, and then pinnacle Peak. They got me National Tresure a star wars qwestchin game and a $20. My b-day party is in a week and a half. :) Peace out.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My worst day would start out like this. First mom would say, We can't have a summer brke. Then she'd say we can't have any tv time ever agen and she makes us do work for five hours. So then we can finiley have breakfast which is otmeal. Mom makes us do all the jobs in this house. THen mom makes us eat mac and chees with maggots in it, and then dad says we can't sellebrate holowdays. Alana and Johnithin ask if they can come over and dad says no. Mom takes all of are books away. So we do nothing until diner which is clam chowder. Then she makes us go to bed without any bed. the end.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Best Day - Part 1

My best day wuld be on a Saturday. it wuld start out with a 7:30 am soccer game that's 2 hours long. Then i'd come home and eric and i would make a big brecfist. Then Jonathan would come over and Eric me and him would play an hour long football game on the street. After that, weed have a dueling tournamnent until lunch. (Dueling is a card game with Yugioh cards.)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

About a week ago, m kerri and mom went to Katie and Brandon's engagement party. Kerri and i were usually outside climing trees and talking. My favorite of the food was the punch .It had ice creem and a couple difrent sodas in it.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

kristin is finally home. She got me this swet slingshot made of wood. I also got a rushin doll thing that opens up into a million pieces.Kerri got necklaces and stuff and the older girls got a necklace and a cool pers. Eric got a funn shert and this bottle of wine with a snake in it. It's really creepy. He also got this blow pipe but it was too long to fit in her sootcase so she put it in her carry on but the security took it. Mom got these sandels and a notebook. Dad got a cool sword.

Friday, August 21, 2009

We satid school about two weeks ago. I guess i'm use to it now. I'm having a homemade smothe while i think of what to write. Thir hasent bin anything going on besid Eric's birthday was last monday. We're going to the library for a feled trip, Aaron is coming on friday, kristin is coming on saterday and around 7 week kate is getting mired. Ok, i guess there has been a lot going on!